
Dari Abu Hurairah RA, ia berkata : Rasulullah SAW pernah bersabda, “Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat (menilai) bentuk tubuhmu dan tidak pula menilai kebagusan wajahmu, tetapi Allah melihat (menilai) keikhlasan hatimu”. [HR. Muslim]

it’s about Ikhlas… for me Ikhlas is when you do something or you help someone and you ask for nothing, because you do it of Allah and it is from of your heart. But, to be Ikhlas it isn’t as easy as we think. Because when you do something and you say that you are Ikhlas it means that you haven’t been Ikhlas yet. I have tried to be Ikhlas and it is very hard. but I don’t want to give up because Allah hates someone who is easy to give up. I keep doing everything with Iklas and let Allah appraises them.

Best friend or true friend…?

Best friend…….. What do you think about best friend?

  • best friend is my class mate..
  • best friend is my family.
  • best friend is my mom
  • best friend is my father
  • best friend is my sister or my brother
  • best friend is my pet….. hehehe.
  • best friend is who always treat me
  • best friend is who always does my homework

Maybe those answers that you will get if you ask some one  about best friend, or maybe you get another answers….whatever lah…. that’s their or your opinion about “best friend”. Everyone can be your best friends as long as you feel comfort with them. “Best friend is closer than family” Do you agree with the statement? It doesn’t matter if best friend  closer then family as long as best friend gives you positive effect in your life…. n I think why best friend closer than family, that’s because you live far from your family maybe because for education and job or another causes.. In this situation, you feel that your best friend is your family because everyday you meet, share, hang out together  with them than with your family, you just keep in touch with them by phoning or via internet…. I  believe some of you have best friend in other country or other city….. wherever they are keep in touch with them…. ” find 1 best friend is harder  then find 1.000 enemies “…. Coz best friend is always by your side though you are happy or sad… Keep your relationship with your best friend……

for all of my best friends…

Hilang arah

Terkadang dalam hidup kita merasa hilang arah, hampa, dan tidak bergairah….(lemah, letih , lesu) hehehe Anemia? Hilang arah itu diibaratkan kit tersesat di tengah hutan belantara kita nda bawa kompas nda tau arah selatan, timur barat, utara, nda bawa tenda, nda bawa bekal,…. hahahaha itusih tersesat beneran. Atau diibaratkan kita tengah berdiri di peremtan jalan kita nda tau kearah mana kita harus melangkah. tau kayak lagunya Inka christie, klo nda salah liriknya kayak gini ” Aku bagai nelayan yang kehilangan arah dan tak tahu kemna ku harus melangkah” Mungkin tidak semua orang pernah mersakan hal itu, tapi sebagian besar iya. Sama halnya dengan saya kadang di saat sendiri duduk termenung merenungi nasibku yg malam.. hehehe.yang malang kaleeeee… di saat seprti itu kita butuh yang namanya teman untuk share = curhat = cerita. Teman bisa siapa aja, bisa Papa, Mama, Kakak, Adek, Om, Tante, Kakek, Nenek, Tetangga, pak RT, pak Lurah, Pak camat, sepupu, teman sekolah, guru, Ob,……. Siapa ajalah yg menurut kamu bisa mendengarkan keluh kesahmu, bisa dipercaya, atau setidaknya bisa menenangkan atau mungkin bisa meberi kamu inspirasi tuk lebih semangat lagi menjalani hidup. Ingat Bro n Sista…. hidup tuch cuman sekali jadi jangan di sia2in…do your best.

Kamu punya cita2kan…?

Pasti bohong nigh,.. klo nda punya cita2. Apa cita2 mu? Aku ingin jadi dokter, aku ingin jadi pilot, aku ingin jadi polisi….. pasti jawaban2 ini yg pertamakali kita dengar di saat kita tanya anak TK tau SD. Bicara soal cita2, jadi teringat sama guru SDku dulu  dia bilang kayak gini ” Orang yng g punya cita2 itu bagaikan myat hidup”  emang ada Mayat yang bisa hidup? perasaan yang namanya mayat itukan nda bernyawa lagi??????? dong dong dong…. dodol.. dodol….. maksudnya itu, orang yg hidup tanpa tujuan….. hmmmmmmm. Apakah anda slah satu di antara mayat hidup itu? smoga tidak….. Amiiiiiiiinnn. Dulu waktu sy kecil saya ingin jadi dokter…. tapi aku takut ama darah… hehehehehe “cemen” .Eh sekang malah jadi guru (tenaga pengajar)….. bedanya jau banget yagh……nda papalah yg penting nda sejauh bumi dan langit……hahaahha… Cita2 itukan tujuannya biar kita punya semangat hidup, belajar lebih giat lagi agar apa yg  kita cita2kan bisa terwujud, biar kita nda jadi MAYAT HIDUP, agar supaya kita tidak  HILANG ARAH.

Apapun yg anda cita2kan berushalah untuk meraihnya…. Agar kita bisa jadi ” ORANG ” kedepannya…..



Mother’s Day

Today is mother’s day…….. some of my friends wrote on their status about how they love their mother  so much. But did their mother read their status? For me, why should we post on our status? I think it’s better if we tell to our mom directly…..

However… we are different…. each of us has the way how to show our feeling about how we love our mother so much….. go ahead…..

hello world

hi… this is my first time  I post in My blog…. I create it for sharing, looking for friends,

n everything that might be useful for me n others.